Life, Styled by Susan

Are your menopausal symptoms preventing you from living a fulfilled life?
Do you ever feel like life is passing by, and you’re not making the most of it because you just don't feel good? Are you tired of having brain fog, low energy, and lack of sleep?

Many mid-life women feel that way, especially during menopause when old patterns and habits resurface with all of the physical changes. Often, it may leave us frustrated and unable to progress.

As a Certified Life Coach, I help women navigate challenging times by holding space and listening in a safe, non-judgmental atmosphere. Together we will co-create a customized plan to help you manage through this time of change that is uniquely yours. 

I'm Susan Salter, and I'm here to help!

Let's Talk!


I've helped women who were once where you are, stuck, unable to process what is happening to their bodies and mind.  I know that you can survive and even thrive during this time in your life.

With my one-on-one menopausal support coaching program, I can help you feel better in as little as three months. I specialize in understanding menopause, creating tailored strategies to reduce stress on your body, and providing targeted support during this potentially difficult transition period. I will work with you to identify areas for improvement, develop personalized action plans that enhance energy levels, and further refine the tools needed for managing the stress associated with your life transitions.

I have built a robust Rolodex of experts in various areas of your journey that are available to you. No one does it alone. Women need access and community, and I provide that.

Let me show you how having a coach who specializes in mapping out all aspects of your journey is invaluable during these times of change.

My clients consistently report being more focused, energized, and motivated by following my customized programs!  I guarantee that if you follow the structure of my program in its entirety, it will be worth every minute spent doing so.

Here are just a few examples:

Susan has an absolute gift. Guiding me to change my negative thought process to a more positive view of things. I battle anxiety daily, and she has helped me to see it for what it is and push it aside. Negative thoughts will only ruin a good day. She always says, "It's all in your thought process!" I've never felt better in my life. Thank you, Susan! ~ Dyan

Susan’s professionalism, coaching style, and genuine interest in the development of each participant were evident from the beginning. Her program is very relatable. My decision to give myself a one-on-one coaching program with Susan completed the process. Susan genuinely cares for people; she is free of judgment and genuinely desires to help each participant find the best of themselves. 

Through the tools introduced in the coaching materials and Susan’s guidance, I learned that thriving is possible.  ~ LoriAnn

Book an appointment with me today for a free consultation!  Start retaking control of your life!

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